ECE6604: Personal & Mobile Communications

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Fall 2019


Graduate standing

Course Objective:

          To study the fundamental physical layer principles of modern wireless communication systems.

Web Site:   

         Canvas will not be used for ECE6604.   The class website is

Required Text:


Dr. Gordon L. Stüber
Office: Centergy One 5138
Phone: 404-894-2923
Fax: 404-894-7883

Course Location/Times:

Van Leer C241,  MWF  1:55 pm - 2:45 pm

Office Hours:


Design Project:

Choose a topic from the suggested list or a topic of your own with instructors consent.
Projects are to be completed individually or in pairs only.

Submit a two-page project abstract by Wednesday September 18, 2019
Final Projects reports are due Monday November 25, 2019. Late projects will not be accepted.

Quiz and Final Exam:

Quiz: Wednesday October 16, in-class
Final Exam: Monday December 9, 2:40pm - 5:30pm

Quiz and Exam Policy:

No Classes:

           September 2, October 14-15, November 27-29


 Excused Absences:


 Academic Honesty: