ECE6604: Personal & Mobile Communications
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Fall 2019
Graduate standing
Course Objective:
To study the fundamental physical layer principles of
modern wireless communication
Web Site:
Canvas will not be used for ECE6604. The class website is
Required Text:
Dr. Gordon L. Stüber
Centergy One 5138
Phone: 404-894-2923
Fax: 404-894-7883
Course Location/Times:
Van Leer C241, MWF 1:55 pm - 2:45 pm
Office Hours:
Homework will be assigned approximately every two weeks.
Homework will be roughly graded and solutions provided.
There will be one homework due during the final instruction days (Dec 2).
Homework is due at the beginning of class on its due date.
Late homework will not be accepted. No excuses!
Choose a topic from the suggested list or a topic of your own with instructors
Projects are to be completed individually or in pairs only.
Submit a two-page project abstract by Wednesday September 18, 2019
Final Projects
reports are due Monday November 25, 2019. Late projects will not be accepted.
Quiz and Final Exam:
Quiz: Wednesday October 16, in-class
Final Exam: Monday December 9, 2:40pm - 5:30pm
Quiz and Exam Policy:
- Open book; course text, notes, math tables, calculator.
- No internet
capable devices.
No Classes:
September 2, October 14-15, November 27-29
20% Homework
20% Quiz
30% Project
30% Final Exam
Excused Absences:
No make-up quizzes will be given. If you miss the quiz, the final exam
counts 50%. If you miss the quiz, homework, or project due to severe illness
or circumstances beyond your control, a written note from the doctor or
other official will be required. The written
excuse must be submitted to the course instructor immediately upon arrival
to the Georgia Tech campus; in any event no more than 3 days after the event.
Academic Honesty:
All violations of the Georgia Tech Honor Code will be referred directly to the Dean of Students
for prosecution. Infractions include cheating on quizzes and exams,
plagiarism in the course
project, and verbatim copying of homework solutions. You are permitted to discuss homework problems
with each other, but you should write your own solutions and not copy them from any source.